What are the various categories for Haj Deputation?
There are two categories for Haj Deputation :- Administrative Staff and Medical Staff. Administrative Staff includes Coordinators(Admin), Assistant Haj Officers and Haj Assistants. The selection if Medical Staff will be done by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GoI.
What are the eligibility criteria for various posts?
The eligibility criteria for different administrative posts for temporary deputation to CGI, Jeddah are mentioned in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare DO No. Z.32020/03/2023-SAS-II(EMR)-Part(3) dated 16.01.2025 on the website https://hajdeputation.mohfw.gov.in Applicants must read the D.O. carefully before filling up the online application form.
What is the last date for filling the application form?
Last Date for filling up the online application form is 07.02.2025.
What is the probable duration of temporary Haj Deputation?
Around 2-3 Months. However, the official can be sent back to India before time if his performance is found to be below par.
Are contractual/temporary employees eligible for temporary Haj Deputation?
Are female candidates eligible to apply for the Haj Deputation?
Yes. There are separate vacancies for male and female candidates in all categories. The selections are made against number of vacancies in each category (Male and Female).
Can pregnant women go for Haj Deputation?
Which documents need to be enclosed at the time of forwarding the application?
The candidate shall enclose hard copy of the following documents while forwarding the hard copy of their online application:
- Medical fitness certificate
- Forwarding letter
- Date of Birth proof
- Latest Salary Slip
- Certificates/proof of Educational Qualifications